Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Food Funnies

Addison has such a great time eating! It's messy, but fun. And I keep reading about how important it is at this age for children to explore food and self-feeding. For example, "As soon as your child starts to handle a spoon and a cup with something approaching control, let him. Meals will take longer and be messier, but this is the type of independence you should be encouraging." Oh, so it takes every ounce of self-control to just let Addison eat and make a mess. But I know it's for the best. And I want her to be a good eater, so I know it starts now. Until she masters utensils, I'll try to smother the urge to feed her myself, and smile, try to laugh off the messes, and in the end, take lots of pictures.
Enjoying one of Alex's favorite treats: graham crackers with icing.

Another yummy meal -- pizza!

And finally, this was a messy one -- steal cut oatmeal. I couldn't figure out what she wanted this morning until I clued in and realized she wanted some of my oatmeal. Really? I don't think it's that good...just healthy and filling in my book. But definitely not that tasty. But she loved it! She tried feeding herself with the spoon and then finally decided her hands were much easier! Again, this took patience because it was so messy-- little kernels of sticky oatmeal all over the table, floor, Addison. I just kept reminding myself, Super Nanny said this is important and it would be slow and messy. If Super Nanny says so, it's got to be right, right? In the end, messes can be cleaned up. But bad eating habits are a disaster to correct and break!

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