Monday, August 24, 2009

Click. Pause

This morning as I was showering, I was thinking. This is often where I do the most of my thinking. You know that point on a roller coaster when you are at the top of the big've climbed and climbed and the coaster finally stops and you hear that "click"...and a pause...and you're holding your breath for a split second because you know you're about to go speeding back down? It's been so exciting climbing up and you're about to burst with excitement at the anticipation of flying back down? I feel like that is where my life is at. We are at that point in the year. We've made it through yet another blistering hot Texas summer. Next week school starts. "Click." Pause. Everything else after that happens so fast...Labor Day weekend, the state fair, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and then bam! 2009 is over. I'm excited for the next couple of months, but know it will go so fast. Here's to holding my breath for the next week, my last week of summer fun with my family, before all the craziness of the end of the year begins!

1 comment:

  1. I seriously LOVE this post. I want to print it out and put it in my journal! I love you so much! I didn't know I would miss everyone so badly. It just reaffirms what a great place we lived in and what truely special people we were/are blessed to have in our lives! Thanks for putting in to words what I couldn't.... I think I will cut and paste (maybe give you credit:) and put this on my blog with a scary picture of my life! Love you guts!
