Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Day Pictures

These are a sampling of our pictures from Pumpkin Day. Enjoy!

Our first activity of the day was snack. It was yummy, but cold, and we were eating outside. Alex, the ultra picky one, only eats the sweet stuff, like the marshmallows. Addison chowed the whole thing! Maybe I should make her some snacks of random cereals, marshmallows, raisins, and serve it up in a paper coffee filter at home.

Next we went inside to stations. This is actually Alex's classroom. There were other fun activities set up around the room, but Alex never moved from the pumpkin spice scented play doh. He LOVES play doh!

Next stop was music. It was so fun to hear the cute songs they teach at his preschool. They sang this funny song about a coo-coo clock. Here Alex is running around like the coo-coo bird.

We had craft and story time next. Each activity was only 15 minutes, and you can only be so crafty in such a short amount of time!

Next stop, tattoos and festive pictures. Alex wanted nothing to do with the tattoos. And he wasn't real cooperative for the picture. I tried to get a shot of him kissing Addison, but this is all I got. Oh well.

We headed outside to the pumpkin patch next. Each kiddo picked out a pumpkin, and then played some games. It was really cute and I think this was one of Alex's favorite activities. They had sack races, tossing a ring around the pumpkin and a bean bag toss -- all right up his alley!

While outside still, our next activity was painting pumpkins. However, Alex was distracted by the trucks and really didn't paint his pumpkin.

All he really wanted to do was drive the trucks around. He is still really into trucks right now.

And since Alex didn't paint his pumpkin, we thought we'd let Addison take a turn! Alex's teacher when he was 2, Ms. Josie, was running the painting station, so she just let Addison at it. She LOVED it! She had a ball grabbing every paint color and testing it out on the pumpkin. We also stopped and played on the playground.

And our last activity outside was the petting zoo. Addison really loves animals, as you can see here with the goat. Alex was too busy kicking goat poop for me to get a shot of him. Nice, huh?

The last activity for the day was "Stretch and Grow." This is probably my favorite, favorite thing that Alex does at school. Ok, he does a lot of really good things at school, but I love this one. Stretch and Grow is the "PE" for his preschool. And they just do the cutest, cutest things with the kids. I just love that they learn about their bodies (imagine my shock two years ago when my little two-year old came home saying "obliques" and "bicep, triceps"!). And all the while, they are having fun AND exercising. What a great way for the kids to start learning about taking care of themselves! I just love the creativity and thoughtfulness that goes into Stretch and Grow. It was such a fun day! Sad that this was Alex's last Pumpkin Day, but, thanks to Addison, happy it's not my last Pumpkin Day :)

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