Monday, June 20, 2011

Book Parade

The last week of school was a really busy, fun week for Alex at school. One thing he participated in was the annual book parade. This was really, really cute! Each class at his school picked a book to represent in the book parade. The classes made all kinds of "floats" that illustrated their books. Each class had six students that could march in the parade. The students were picked based on good citizenship. I was so proud when Alex's teacher let me know that Alex was picked to walk in the parade for his class! Such a proud moment to know that your child is a good citizen at school: makes you feel like you're doing something right as a parent!

And Alex was so, so excited to participate in the parade. He came home a couple weeks before the parade telling me all about it, the book they picked, how he was supposed to get dressed up. It was really sweet to see him so excited!

Um, could you tell he was excited!?! The book his class chose was Bingo, so all the kids were dressed up as farmers. Alex wore the whole nine yards: boots, Wranglers, shirt, hat, bandanna!

Here's his class on the "parade route," aka the drive thru lane at the front of the school.

Originally, Alex's teacher wanted him to walk her dog in the parade. Then she thought her dog might be too hyper for the parade, so she opted for a stuffed version of a dog. Too bad because Alex was stoked to walk her dog!
Here he is at the end of the parade route. I thought this was such a fun idea that the librarian started at Alex's school. She was a great lady, and retired this year. At the end of the parade, all the classes displayed signs saying, "We Love You Ms. Pike!" It was so sweet, and the librarian was really touched! Such a fun morning!

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