Ok, seriously, last post about Halloween. We did trick-or-treat, despite the holiday falling on Sunday. Aren't my little trick-or-treaters cute? I just loved this photo. We really went all out this year: we decorated our yard with Halloween lights, decorated our front window with Halloween stickers and hung ghosts in our tree. Alex just loves Halloween, and it's fun to feed that excitement all month!
As I mentioned before, Roger was home this year to trick-or-treat with us. We all went out together down our street. As we made it back up, we decided to divide and conquer. So I volunteered to stay at the house to pass out candy while Roger took the kids around another street. Alex is so funny though. He isn't one to stay out, going to every last house to get candy. He likes to trick-or-treat for about an hour, and then he's ready to call it a night. I think he enjoys handing out candy almost as much as collecting the candy. But that's Alex -- he's very kind and generous. When the kids got home, they did their annual candy dive. Addison was much better this year...she didn't get into nearly as much candy as she did last year! Last year she was opening candy faster than I could take it away from her! But they had their splurge, and then we put them to bed. It was a school night, after all! And Halloween 2010 is over. Already looking forward to next year. Love this time of year!