Addison is up to new tricks every day! Wednesday I was babysitting our friend Lacey and I looked up and saw Addison sitting at our little Elmo table. I thought maybe Alex or Lacey helped her into the chair. But no, Addison has figured out how to get herself into the chair. It's really cute to watch! The only problem is she can't really get down/out of the chair. Often it's a nose dive to the floor that gets her down! But she is so proud of herself once she does get up on that chair! You can see her in action below. This is another big step for Addison because she pulls herself up to the table and actually moves her feet or scoots her feet as she climbs into the little chair. I'm excited to see how this boosts her confidence and maybe encourages her to explore standing/walking more!
And I haven't really blogged about Alex lately. All the attention has been on Addison and her plethora of medical issues. Alex is doing really well. He had vacation bible school this week. It was everyday from 9-12. It wore him out! He hasn't really done anything like this before that was everyday. But I think he had fun. And he's really into trucks lately-- thanks to Grandma buying him a book about Caterpillars. And the book came with a very entertaining and informative DVD about Caterpillars. He's also really into Bakugans (sp?) thanks to his cousin Cadence. And again, thanks to Grandma, he now has a DVD of Bakugan episodes that he watches. Roger and I are still working really hard to get Alex to expand his diet. It's been very challenging! And some nights he goes to bed without dinner because he is so super stubborn. I have NO idea where he gets that from! (My eyes are rolling back with sarcasm here). He comes by that trait honestly. He is getting so big! Roger and I swear he's getting taller every day! He's still a really sweet, compassionate little boy. We've enjoyed swimming together so far this summer. It's been fun having him home everyday with me!
Summertime Sweets
7 months ago