To some, this is just a random picture of Addison playing. For me, this is the picture of a milestone! The reality of this picture is that Addison pulled herself up to stand on her feet to play with this toy. This is HUGE because Addison hasn't pulled herself up at all and really should have been pulling herself up months ago...around 9 months. This was one milestone her pediatrician was really concerned about because Addison hadn't reached it yet and even when we tried to stand her up, she wouldn't. And around six months, if we stood her up, she would stand on her feet. So technically, she had digressed in this area.
So for me, this picture gives me hope...that she will continue to develop and reach new milestones (like maybe walking one day), it gives me relief...that there really isn't something seriously wrong with her because honestly, I was starting to get a little worried, and pride...I'm so proud of her (come on, I am her mother after all)! I think she's averaging about a 3 month delay on some physical milestones, such as crawling. So I'm hoping that around 15 months my little AddiKat might actually start cruising! Go Addison, go!
Summertime Sweets
7 months ago
I wouldn't say she digressed because she wouldn't put her feet down-- I think that's normal. Lacey always put her feet down from the time she was two months old so we thought she'd be walking really early... but, by about 8 months, she would not put her feet down for anything. Clearly, she's doing just fine in the milestone department so while Addison may be a little slower to reach them, she'll get there when she wants to. I think by a certain point, they realize that we want them to stand and walk so we don't have to hold them all the time-- and Miss AddiKat won't have that! She's got a big brother to contend with-- she needs to hold onto anything she can! LOVE the yellow dress!!!!