Thursday, July 16, 2009

No Week is Complete

No week is complete without at least one trip to the doctor. Oh, you mean this isn't the norm every where? Just around my house. Right. Well, today I took Addison to see an allergist. It was kinda a waste of two hours. When we finally got to see the doctor, we started talking about Addison's history and I told the doctor that she had recently done an allergy panel. Come to find out that he wouldn't order any other tests than that one panel we've already done. Well, I didn't know that. And I didn't even think about getting a copy of those test results for him to review. Well, duh, Nora! So we tried to get those results faxed over. The pediatrician's office couldn't find the results. I'd also requested her records from the GI. That didn't get sent over to the allergist. All in all, it was a slightly pointless, wasted, and frustrating visit. I did read a really interesting paper that the doctor wrote about food allergies. And he said I could go ahead and try milk with Addison. I tried...she took one sip and threw the sippy cup on the floor. I'll keep trying though. In the end, I really liked the allergist and left feeling that this was a good doctor to have helping us with Addison. Now if I could just get him all the medical records he needs....

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