Alex turned 6 last week! I'm still wrapping my brain around the fact that I have a six year old. I can hardly believe how much he's grown. The other night, Alex and I laughed as I told him all about going to the hospital to deliver him. It was fun to share those special memories with him. As I look at him today, I'm amazed at the kid he's growing into. I don't want to forget anything about him at this age, so here are some highlights:
*He still loves all sports. Hockey is still his number one favorite, with soccer and baseball tied for second. He started playing soccer this spring, and he is so naturally talented at it. He has played goalie, and does an amazing job!
*He's very interested in planets, space, and the world in general. It's fun to see his mind opening up to the knowledge of new places and different countries.
*Alex has been blessed with something we fondly call "The McNiel Gift of Gab." He enjoys talking, sometimes more than I enjoy listening. But it serves him well in making new friends. Anywhere he goes, he can find someone his size, play with them, and be their friend.
*Speaking of best friends, he still loves hanging out and playing with his cousin, Cadence. I know not far in the future the age difference between Alex and Cadence will catch up to them, but for now they are best buds!
*As we are nearly finished with the school year (just 6 weeks left!), we have really developed a morning routine. We still, however, have to set a timer in the morning to keep Alex on track while eating. Otherwise, he dilly-dallys away the entire morning. I don't know where he got that from!?! [Yes, me]
*He comes home every day with a green smiley face on his behavior log from school. I tend to think that his teacher is a little on the generous side, but also hope he really is being pretty good at school.
*Believe it or not, his favorite part of school is PE and recess. Surprise, surprise!
*Around spring break, I started reading chapter books with him at night. I remember my mom reading to me when my siblings and I were little. I think this really instilled in me a love for reading. I'm hoping it will do the same for Alex. We're working our way through the Junie B. Jones series. I think he really enjoys the stories and the time we spend together.
*He still loves everything Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic X). He told me the other day his name was really Sonic, and Alex second. He also has a vivid imagination.
*He still has his favorite handful of foods. But he's added some new foods to his repertoire, such as chocolate milk. Yay! His favorite food though is still cheese pizza.
*Alex is still a very kind and compassionate boy. He also has surprised me with how passionate he is about doing the right thing. And it really upsets him to see others breaking the rules, or not playing fair. Wonder where he got that from!?! (Not me!)
*I still lay down with him in his bed for about 5 minutes every night. I remember when I was pregnant with Addison how much I dreaded lugging my big ol belly up on his bed, and then lugging my big ol' self back off. I kept saying, he's too old for this. But really, deep down, I love those few, quite moments we share talking every night before he drifts off to sleep!
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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