Monday, May 25, 2009

Cupcake Craziness

Go me! These were the cupcakes that I made for Alex's party. From the picture, they don't look half bad! Again, in order to save a little money on Alex's party, I decided to make cupcakes instead of buying an expensive cake (plus I had already bought him an expensive cake for his party with Nana and my family). As I was decorating the cupcakes, I was getting a little worried that they didn't look at all like sports balls. So I asked Alex what each one was -- and he told me! What a relief! I figured if he could tell it was a soccer ball, then the kids at the party could too. The best part was that I was just so relieved that they didn't turn out completely ridiculous. And I think I would even do it again!

Oh wait. I did decorate cupcakes again. Just a couple days later I made these cupcakes to take to Alex's preschool. I thought they turned out pretty cute too! Who knew? I've never made and decorated so many cupcakes in my life! But it was fun and most importantly, Alex loved them all!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... a budding business venture? The cupcakes were all so cute! Such talent you possess. :)
