Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween! Finally!

Alex came in my room this morning and the first words out of his little mouth were, "Are we going trick-or-treating today?" After assuring him that yes, we were, he snuggled with me for a few minutes and watched cartoons. Later this morning we made a cute Halloween craft. I copied this idea from my friend Giannina. I have to admit that I'm not a very crafty person and I didn't think for a long time that Alex would enjoy doing crafts with me. But he actually had a ball making these little candy corns. It was really fun.

Alex is sometimes a stinker about me taking his picture.

After Alex made four of these little candy corns, I decided to hang them up over our mantle in the living room. Look at that happy face! So proud of his work!

And the jury is out! Alex was Lightening McQueen for Halloween. Again. He kept telling me today that he was going to be Batman, but no. He is all dressed and ready to go. He's excited if you couldn't tell by this picture!

Here we are heading out trick-or-treating. I'm happy that Daylight Savings hasn't ended yet, because it was actually dark when we left at 7 p.m. And it was a beautiful night here in Texas! You couldn't have asked for nicer weather on Halloween. Cool, but not cold. Perfect costume weather!

YES! The best part of the night: coming home, out of your costume and dumping your candy bag! After an hour of trick-or-treating, Alex told me he was ready to come home and eat his candy. And that was just fine by me because I think he came home with the perfect amount of treats!

A picture of the kiddos once we got home. Alex was just as happy to pass out candy as he was to receive it. So sweet! He loved our jack-o-lanterns.

Addison wasn't feeling well today. She started getting a runny nose yesterday. So she wasn't the most cooperative kid tonight. But she did get dressed up as Tinker Bell. She just rode in the stroller the whole night as we went trick-or-treating. She did, however, enjoy the loot once we got home! And of course, she went straight for the chocolate. I think she ate more candy than Alex! By the time I bathed her, she was a disgusting, sticky, gooey, chocolatey mess! Thank goodness Halloween is only once a year. Again, it was a really fun Halloween. I did miss Roger and wished he could have been here with us. I hate that he misses out on memorable evenings like this. One of these years, when the stars align, we'll spend Halloween together as a family. Looking forward to that!
And so, Halloween is over. At least we have Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up to soften the blow that Halloween is over for a whole 'nother year.

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