Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Did It!

I volunteered to be Addison's room mom this year at her preschool. I guess after Alex was there for three years, I felt confident enough to handle this little assignment. It's been really fun and easy so far. This week, my duties picked up a bit. Today Addison's class is having their Christmas party. And the kids get a goody bag today. So I had all the parents sign up to bring different goodies for their goody bags. The parents were so generous! I had so much stuff, I ended up running up to Kroger late last night to buy bigger bags! I think they turned out pretty cute, despite the last minute change of bags.

I also volunteered to make a special snack for Addison's class. I really wanted to make Christmas tree sugar cookies. So I stayed up into the wee hours of the night icing cookies. It was so fun! I really enjoyed was quiet, I could take my time, I could try to be creative and I had no distractions. I'm not a professional by any means, but I think they turned out pretty festive. And regardless, I know the kids will love and appreciate every little bite! The best part was Addison woke up this morning and said, "Mmmmm." Then she asked, "For me?" I told her yes, for her party at school. That made all the hard work so worth it!Finally, I put the teachers' gifts together. Addison has two teachers this year. So I collected money from all the parents in her class and bought them both a few things for Christmas. I also picked up a couple pans of homemade cinnamon rolls for them. I hope they enjoy the gifts.

So my first big job as room mom is done. I did it! I'm thankful I can be room mom this year for Addison's class. I may not be able to do something like this every year, so I'm glad I can do it this year! And with that, Addison begins her two week vacation for Christmas. We have some fun things still planned, so I'm excited for the Christmas break!


  1. Those cookies look AWESOME! Great job, Momma! I am room mom for C's class, but my duties were lame compared to yours! So great you can do this for little Addison and her class!

  2. Your cookies turned out great!! So fun to be a room mom--out here they don't have any such thing...kind of a bummer--I think I would enjoy the role too :) Way to go!
