Wednesday, November 11, 2009

18 Months and Back On The Charts!

More good news about Addison! She had her 18-month check-up at her pediatrician's office on Wednesday. She has gained a solid 2 pounds! This may not seem like much of a weight gain, but this is huge for Addison! She's grown in height and her head has grown too. What a relief! Here's a run down on her stats:

2 weeks: 8 lbs 14 oz
2 months: 11 lbs 10 oz
4 months: 14 lbs
6 months: 15 lbs 11.5 oz
9 months: 16 lbs 14.5 oz
12 months: 16 lbs 9.5 oz
15 months: 17 lbs 8 oz
18 months: 19 lbs 12 oz

You can see that from her 4-6 month appointments and on that she really struggled to gain weight, and at her 12 month appointment, she had actually lost weight. This earned her the diagnosis of Failure to Thrive. And that set in motion the visits to her small army of doctors. At her last appointments with her pediatrician and her GI, they both threatened tube feeding Addison if she didn't get some meat on her bones. So you can imagine my relief and elation that her appetite has picked up and/or her calorie supplements are working.

So her weight is actually plotting on the growth charts again. That's right: Back on the charts again! Hallelujah! Honestly, I cried at her pediatricians office when I saw her growth. As a mother, you can't help but feel ultimately responsible, good or bad, for your children's growth and development. It has been a long, hard past two months: constant worrying, constant and vigilant research, constant prayers, constant stress. And though we are not completely out of the woods yet, we are definitely over a hump. Hopefully, her next appointment with her GI will go well, and hopefully her next MRI will bring us some good news too! In the meantime, here are some recent pictures of my sweet Addison. She's silly, funny, playful, fiesty, and generally a real joy to have around. She's my little gem. Enjoy!

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